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2024 Catherine Durda Award

Catherine Durda Award

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The Catherine Durda award is given in memory of Catherine Durda, the first female chair of the NAFTZ Board of Directors.  Durda was an innovative marketer and promoter of FTZs in the New York area. During her involvement with the NAFTZ, she dedicated much of her time to advancing the importance of FTZs for trade and job creation.

Each year, Grantee members are asked to submit their best marketing resources (video, printed ad, website, etc.) to be considered for the award.

This year, we are introducing more ways to recognize the efforts of our Grantees through the 2024 Catherine Award. We will now have three separate categories for Grantee marketing materials:

  • FTZ marketing video
  • Digital marketing materials (PDFs, PowerPoints, flyers, social media, website etc.), and
  • Events

The nominees have been presented to the entire membership, giving all members the opportunity to see the tremendous work of our Grantees and to vote to honor the materials/resources that best promote the advantages of using foreign-trade zones.

The 2024 Catherine Durda Award Nominees

View: FTZ Videos          FTZ Marketing Materials               Events

Instructions: Please review each of the submissions for each of the three categories. When you are ready to vote, click on the big red button below or at the bottom of this page

2024 Nominees for FTZ Marketing Video

Video Submission: 1

World Trade Center Savannah
Foreign-Trade Zone 104 Informational Video

Video Submission: 2

Georgia Foreign-Trade Zone
Gateway to Growth



Video Submission: 3

Port of Corpus Christi
Empowering Business and Strengthening Communities


Video Submission: 4

Withdrawn by submitter.


Video Submission: 5

Withdrawn by submitter


Video Submission: 6

Port of Corpus Christi
Boosting Your Business with U.S. FTZ 122


Video Submission: 7

Central Pines Regional Council
FTZ #93 (Research Triangle) Marketing Video


2024 Nominees for FTZ Digital Marketing Materials

Digital Marketing Submission: 1

Port of Corpus Christi:
Invest and Save in the Zone

POCC Brochure PDF Copy

Digital Marketing Submission: 2

Market Lubbock, Inc.:
FTZ 260 Brochure

FTZ 260 Brochure PDF Copy

Digital Marketing Submission: 3

Greater Cincinnati Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
FTZ 46 & 47 One Page Info Sheet

FTZ 46 & 47 Infosheet PDF Copy


Digital Marketing Submission: 4

Greater Cincinnati Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
FTZ 46 & 47 Master Presentation for Education

FTZ 46 & 47 - PowerPoint Presentation

Digital Marketing Submission: 5

Greater Kansas City Foreign Trade Zone
GKCFTZ brochure

GKCFTZ Brochure PDF Copy

Digital Marketing Submission: 6

Port of Long Beach
You're in the Zone, the Foreign-Trade Zone

PLB Facebook Reel

Digital Marketing Submission: 7

Port of Corpus Christi
Invest and Save in the Zone - Staying Competitive in a Global Market

Click to view website

2024 Nominees for in-person FTZ informational events

Event Submission: 1

Baltimore Development Corporation: FTZ#74 Roadshow

FTZ 74 Roadshow Event Description

FTZ 74 Roadshow PDF Brochure Copy