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Governing Documents

Antitrust Guidelines

To help ensure compliance with federal and state antitrust and competition laws, NAFTZ officers, directors, members, staff, and meeting attendees should be aware of the various antitrust laws and how they apply to Association activities. Because NAFTZ Members have overlapping products or services and sometimes geographic markets, they must be particularly sensitive to the antitrust issues that can arise. Read the Guidelines.


NAFTZ Bylaws cover the rules that govern our internal management as an organization. They are written to cover topics such as how directors are elected, how meetings of directors are conducted, and what officers the organization will have and their duties. Read our Bylaws.

Policy Manual

The NAFTZ Policy Manual is intended to serve as a guide for the Board of Directors, committees, and members of NAFTZ in fulfilling their responsibilities to the Association. Its purpose is to provide continuity as the leadership of the organization changes from year to year, and to serve as a practices and policies reference. Read the Manual (This content requires login).

Tax Information

Copies of the previous year’s Form 990 and audit are available on request. Please email Jeffrey Tafel.